Ways to set a designer apart from the competition


Anyone in the design industry knows that staying current with trends is key to success.

The field of design is always changing, with new tools and techniques emerging all the time. Learning about the latest design trends and techniques is an essential part of being a successful designer. Not to mention being well-informed with social trends and up to date industry standards.

As an aspiring or new designer, it’s essential to be on top of your game, updating yourself in the field so that you can offer your clients cutting-edge designs that will set you apart from the competition. One way to stay on top of the latest trends is to regularly read design-related blogs like The Office Designer.

Photo by The Office Designer
A picture is worth a thousand words, so one of the best ways to learn about new trends and design techniques is to look at some of the amazing designs out there on websites like Houzz and Remodelista. These sites feature a mix of amazing home walkthroughs, stories from the world of design, beautiful products, and startling new concepts for commercial spaces that are a great source of inspiration for designers everywhere. Have the confidence and give it a shot in showcasing your own works at The Office Designer. Build connections and nurture relationships through joining communities that resonate to your brand and help you get out there.
Photo by Houzz

The Office Designer.com is a Singapore-based multi-platform online community for interior design professionals, students and industry players who are passionate about commercial design and renovation. It started as a blog site in 2018 and has evolved into a full-fledged community website by integrating new features like online networking, events management and activity-based engagement for all its members.

Photo by The Office Designer

The website serves as a platform to share industry knowledge and information about the latest trends in commercial Interior design and renovation. Being a member of the The Office Designer online community will help in developing one’s professional and business branding. TOD encourages every member to participate and contribute to the platform by providing articles, vlogs and accomplishments on the site. Members can engage with each other and exchange information about industry trends, career opportunities, supplier discounts and potential project collaborations.

Start connecting with other like-minded designers (and non-designers!) to discuss all things design related. How can you join the community? Simply visit The Office Designer website at https://theofficedesigner.com/ and create an account for FREE to get started!

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